Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI)--韩国电子通信研究院




  Since its foundation in 1976, ETRI, a global ICT research institute, has been making its immense effort to provide Korea a remarkable growth in the field of ICT industry. ETRI delivers Korea as one of the top ICT nations in the World, by unceasingly developing world’ s first and best technologies.

  Recently, as a national ICT leader, ETRI is performing ‘ communication’ and ‘ convergence’ by developing SAN Technology(cutting-edge ICT technology converging with shipbuilding), Korean to English world-class portable automatic interpretation technology, and development of adjustable display technologies, such as transparent display.

  Building on its past success, ETRI continues to dedicate in R&D to maintain its place among world’ s best research institutes leading creative economy. With its vision of being ‘ ICT Innovator, For a Great Tomorrow’ , ETRI will challenge continuously to develop creative and innovative technologies to be responsible for world ICT industry beyond Korea by creating innovative research achievement, securing global IP competitiveness and establishing world-class advanced management system.